Title: Employee Data Manager Type: Application Source: EmployeeDataManager.java Description: Reads and parses a text file containing employee information; parses, and sorts the information based on name, age or SS# (selected by user). The information is then displayed in a scrollable text window. Detailed Description: Allows the user to interactively scroll through a list of employees; sort the list on either name, age, or SS#; enter information for a new employee; and store that information in a single file. The concepts of data object encapsulation are illustrated, providing construction, validation, and ordering of each data field within the object class that constructs that field. File operations are implemented in a separate class. Each record is written as a fixed-width byte array, allowing the easy addition of a modification method by the programmer. Currently, due to the limitations of browsers with regard to file access, this program can only be run as an application. However, it is designed to be run as an applet as well, in expectation of the removal of the aforementioned browser file access restrictions.